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Exam Results & Inspection Reports

We place a core focus on high standards of achievement and progress for all our pupils, whatever their starting points. A focused learning environment, dedicated staff, support and guidance gives our pupils the tools with which to achieve their very best.

Our results consistently demonstrate that our pupils perform significantly above national expectations, ensuring that they have the means in which to move onto the next step of their education.  Exam results can be found below (please note that figures are quoted only for years when public exams were taken). Attainment & Progress scores can also be found on the  Wimbledon College League Table Page.

Our students are

  • Prophetic
  • Learned
  • Faith-filled
  • Generous
  • Grateful
  • Hopeful
  • Curious
  • Attentive
  • Prophetic
  • Learned
  • Faith-filled
  • Generous
  • Grateful
  • Hopeful
  • Curious
  • Attentive